My, What Big Feet You Have! We continue to be in awe of how rapidly the chicks are growing! The Brahmas have a definite T-Rex look to them. The chicks look us in the eye, can't help think of the raptors in Jurassic Park sizing up the people! Creepiness aside, the chicks are really sweet. Their individual personalities are a hoot! Daisy, Violet, Marigold, and Petunia readily perch on our hands, arms, and shoulders. I had a weird moment with Daisy, she started preening my hair!!! We sectioned off the corner of the porch with foam boards. The chicks love to perch on the top of it, amazing balance! Here is Violet sitting pretty. We try to pick up each chick daily so they get used to us. The chicks eat clover and herbs out of our hands. I have to admit, I look forward to these hand-feedings. I am mesmerized. While we are in love of the chicks, our cat thinks otherwise. Understandably so, Honey is stalking the chicks. The c...