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Meet the Ladies in the Line-Up

We chose 4 breeds - Orpington, Blue Ameraucana, Brahma, and Welsummer. The Orpingtons come in different colors, ours are the Buff variety. They lay brown eggs. The Ameraucanas are usually a blue-ish gray and lay pastel blue eggs. They will have a tuft of hair on their heads. Brahmas come in two different colors, we chose Light Brahmas which are white, gray, black splash. The last breed is Welsummer - these chickens have brown feathers and lay brown eggs with brown speckles. 


Daisy is sweet. She likes to be held and will let you rub her tummy. 

Forsythia is taller than Daisy. She likes to explore; she might be our first to fly!

Blue Ameraucanas

Petunia is our smallest chick but jumps in with the big girls. She is a beautiful blue, gray. She will fall asleep in your hand.

Violet is very inquisitive. She has long legs and big feet. We think she'll be bigger than her counterpart. 


Lily loves to eat! She is gentle and has a soft voice.

Verbena is quiet until you pick her up, for a little bird she has a loud chirp!


Myrtle Mum (short for chrysanthemum)

Myrtle seems to be one of the leaders. Eager to explore new things and doesn't seem afraid of anything.

Marigold is a gentle, sweet chick. She falls asleep in your hand and loves to be held.
