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Week 8

Chick, chick, chick, chick-chick!

The chicks are getting bigger. Exploring their world from the canopy and supervised free-ranging.

The chicks LOVE kale from the garden

Running from the porch into the yard

The chicks have great personalities.
Violet hiding behind the water; I see you!

 Marigold investigating my camera. 

"Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup."

And then taking her nap in the sun.

Marigold is a favorite, but onto the other chicks.
Our Brahma favorites, Lily & Verbena. They often run across the yard into each other, like a chest-bump.

Our favorite Ameraucanas, Violet & Petunia. These chicks are awesome explorers and they come when we call their names!

The favorite Orpingtons, Forsythia and Daisy playing hide-and-seek. Daisy is one heck of a hider!

The favorite Welsummers, Myrtle joins Marigold napping in the sun.

Coop update: Shingled, painted, and windows installed. Honey does the final inspection.
